January/February |
Cover Story: |
Rapid reformer: An interview with Eliot Spitzer, New York state attorney general |
Featured Articles: |
Anatomy of a bank fraud: When dates don't match |
SOX becoming timesaver for fraud examiners: Using the new Sarbanes-Oxley documentation |
Restaurant Skimming: Taking a little cream off the top |
Data mining: a tool for all fraud examiners. Digging for golden evidence |
Money laundering: Airing out dirty cash |
FraudBasics - When Employees Go Bad: Conducting Internal Investigations (Part 1) |
Columns and Departments: |
Fraud Edge - Anti-Fraud Education. Standardizing nationally, expanding globally |
Fear Not The Software - Fraud Fighting With Data Analysis Tools: Fear not the data either, part two: Importing data files |
From the President |
ACFE News - Members Elect Non-profit Board of Directors |
Fraud's Finer Points - Skimming Revenue (Part 1): The Highest-risk Employee |
March/April |
Cover Story: |
Interview with Eva Romatzeck: ACFE's European Council on Occupational Fraud and Abuse Takes First Steps |
Featured Articles: |
Baiting the Rat Trap: Recorded statements and 'EUOs' |
From Sutherland to SOX, the Saga continues: A short history of fraud-fighting studies and laws |
Risky Business: Conducting the internal fraud risk assessment |
Fraud Basics - When employees Go Bad: Conducting Internal Investigations (Part 2) |
SOX Update - Sarbanes-Oxley Issues: PCAOB issues staff Q & A, extends deadlines, tackles tax services |
Formulas for detection: Analysis ratios for detecting financial statement fraud |
Foiling Internet Fraudsters: Preventing Internet credit card fraud |
Columns and Departments: |
From the President |
Fraud Edge - Cleaning our Own House: De-frauding the halls of academe |
Fraud's Finer Points - Skimming revenue, part two: Laundering stolen checks |
Fear Not the Software - Fraud Fighting with Data Analysis |
ACFE News - Corey Bloom and Tommy Seah elected new ACFE Regents |
May/June |
Cover Story: |
Fighting fraud in Canada: An interview with Irwin Cotler, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada |
Featured Articles: |
Capturing Computer Screens and Crooks, Ctrl Print Screen: an Effective Tool |
Examining Fraud in Developing Countries, Navigating Murky Third-World Conditions |
Fruition of an Idea: ACFE Leads in Global Fraud-fighting Training |
Fraud Basics - Intro to Asset Misappropriations for Non-accountants, part one: The Stolen Guitar and Other Assets |
Underreported Income in a Divorce: D-I-V-O-R-C-E may actually spell F-R-A-U-D |
Art Fraud Forges Ahead: Fraud in the collection of fine art |
Columns and Departments: |
From the President |
Fraud Edge - Fraud Examination in the Classroom |
Fraud's Finer Points - Skimming revenue, part three: Stealing cash payments from customers |
Fear Not The Software - Scattergraphing: Quickly finding needles in the haystack |
SOX Update - Sarbanes-Oxley Issues |
July/August |
Cover Story: |
Battling elusive identity theft: An interview with Betsy Broder, assistant director, U.S. Federal Trade Commission |
Featured Articles: |
Nailing fraudulent contractors: Home improvement and construction fraud |
Fraudsters in cyberspace: Growing global Internet menace (Part One) |
Persuading the bosses: Convincing 'C-level' that fraud management is an operational must |
Looking the other way: Managers' rationalization of possible frauds |
FraudBasics - Intro to asset misappropriations for non-accountants: Wendell and the stolen hamburger money (Part 2) |
Columns and Departments: |
From The President |
Fraud Edge - Examining the theory of rationalization |
Fraud's Finer Points - Skimming revenue, part four: Stealing cash payments from customers |
Fear Not The Software - The spreadsheet: The easiest place for committing financial statement fraud |
SOX Update - Sarbanes-Oxley Issues |
Medicaid fraud: An unhealthy prescription |
September/October |
Cover Story: |
FDA incapable of protecting U.S., scientist alleges: An interview with Dr. David J. Graham, associate director of the FDA's Office of Drug Safety |
Featured Articles: |
16th Annual ACFE Fraud Conference & Exhibition |
Fraudsters in Cyberspace: Part Two |
Check Fraud: Separating Money from Worthless Paper |
Financial fraud red flags: Searching for the funnel clouds |
Case in Point - Financial statement fraud. An acquisition in wonderland? |
Columns & Departments: |
From The President |
Fraud Edge - Educators' mission advances: Higher education meeting update from Washington, D.C. |
Fraud's Finer Points - Cash Larceny, Part One |
Fear Not The Software - Fraud Fighting With Detection Systems |
Fraud & The Law - Law for Fraud Examiners |
Tech Corner Reviews - Backup hardware and software: Are you protecting your work? |
November/December |
Cover Story: |
Fraud in Churches and Religious Groups |
Featured Articles: |
Trends in tech fraud schemes, part one: Let's (not) do the twist |
Case in Point - Check Kiting |
Computer forensics |
Getting serious with fraud in the UK |
Health-Care Fraud and 'PHI' |
Columns and Departments: |
From The President |
Fraud Edge - Building a fraud examination program |
Fear Not The Software - Fourth Quarter Revenue Trending |
Sox Update - PCAOB adopts rules; execs sound off on SOX |
Fraud & The Law - Document retention in the wake of Andersen |
Tech Corner Reviews - Monarch V8 increases power of fraud examiners to mine and analyze data without IT help |