Certification Supervisor Leads Life and Work with Creativity



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2009-NovDec-Meet the Staff Christi TH 
Christi Thornton-Hranicky, CFE, Certification Supervisor

Christi Thornton-Hranicky, CFE, craves change. Change in her daily routine, change in her numerous craft and photography projects, change in her education, and change in her work processes. Not one to sit idle, this tenacious certification supervisor believes that everything can always be done faster, better, and more efficiently. That’s how she’s moved up the ladder at the ACFE and how she’s helping members expediently earn their CFE credentials and CPEs. 


“My team and I are always looking for ways to improve the processes,” Christi said. “Over the last two years we’ve been keeping an open eye to anything that would eliminate steps and make processes better for our members.

“We’ve streamlined two processes that used to take up to two weeks each – the prep review and exam grading process. We are now able to complete these processes in a matter of days – three to five days at the latest, although we try to aim for within 24 hours of receipt.”

Her constant efforts to improve processes during the six years she’s worked at the ACFE have helped her advance from membership admissions assistant to certification administrator, then certification administrator II, and now certification supervisor. Christi received her CFE credential in January so she can offer even more help to those who have questions about the CFE Exam.



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