Banking Trojans

Stealing from the Source

By Jean-Francois Legault

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Adequate antivirus software eventually will detect Trojans on computer systems. Antivirus companies usually release signatures to detect and remove Trojans shortly after they know new Trojans exist. However, obviously, there’s often a delay between the detection and reporting to the antivirus companies because users normally don’t know their systems are infected.

Banking Trojans have become the most malicious form of malware because they’re designed to steal funds directly from bank accounts of individuals and organizations by targeting Automated Clearing House (ACH) and wire transfer transactions. Of course, this extremely profitable fraud is increasingly attracting more perpetrators.

According to the Jan. 13 USA TODAY article, “Cybercrooks stalk small businesses that bank online,” by Byron Acohido, the problem has become so pervasive that the FBI and the American Bankers Association (ABA) in January 2010 jointly advised companies to use dedicated computers for online banking operations after hundreds of thousands of dollars were siphoned from the accounts of several small businesses and public institutions.

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