Nominations open for 2016-2017 Board of Regents

Nominations opened on June 1 for three positions on the ACFE's 2016-2017 Board of Regents. An application can be found online and was included in the May/June 2015 issue of Fraud Magazine. "Under the ACFE bylaws, any CFE in good standing may apply for a position on the Board of Regents. The self-nominating process is open to each of you," said Gerard Zack, chairman of the Board of Regents.

"I encourage every CFE to consider applying for a position on the Board of Regents and provide leadership for the future of the ACFE," Zack said.

Each member of the Board of Regents is required to attend two meetings per year during his or her tenure. The first meeting is held at the ACFE headquarters in Austin, Texas, usually in February or March. The new board members are sworn in at this meeting. The second meeting is scheduled during the ACFE Global Fraud Conference. The ACFE will reimburse your travel and incidental expenses for attendance at each board meeting.

The Nominations Committee will select three applicants to vie for each available position in this year's election. Beginning Nov. 1 and ending Dec. 31, certified members of the ACFE will vote for their selections for the three new board members. The new Regents, who will be installed in February 2016, will each serve two-year terms.

Following are the key dates in the Regent election process:

  • June 1: Nominations open
  • July 31: Nominations close
  • Sept. 8: Nominations Committee selects final candidates
  • Nov. 1: Ballot available
  • Dec. 31: Balloting closes
  • Feb. 2016: New Board of Regents sworn in

To participate in the nominations process, please fill out an application form online or return the application (included in the May/June 2015 issue of Fraud Magazine) to: Chairman, Nominations Committee, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Global Headquarters, The Gregor Building, 716 West Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-2727 USA. Fax applications to +1-512-478-9297. Or you may email a scanned copy of the application to

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