The members of the Board of Regents ruminate on fraudsters' new techniques, the future of the profession, benefits of the CFE credential, starting their own businesses and why they're still fraud examiners after all these years.
The members of the Board of Regents aren't novices. With 135 years of accumulated experience, they've climbed most of the limbs and branches of the Fraud Tree. Yet they're still excited about solving puzzling cases: discovering evidence, interviewing subjects, presenting results and testifying. They relish new techniques and technologies. They're savvy but not jaded. They rejoice in their successes and learn from their failures. Most of all, they love to share their hard-earned knowledge with other fraud examiners — in the classroom or individually.
The Fraud Magazine editors caught up with these busy anti-fraud veterans during the recent 26th Annual ACFE Fraud Conference as they discussed the profession that grew from the seminal ideas of ACFE founder and Chairman Dr. Joseph T. Wells, CFE, CPA, in 1988.
Participating board members included: Joseph J. Agins, CFE, ethics and compliance investigations director, Apollo Group, Inc.; Tiffany R. Couch, CFE, CPA, CFF, principal, Acuity Forensics; David C. Rule, MBA, CFE, CISM, CPP, managing partner, Xione Group, Ltd.; Alton Sizemore, Jr., CFE, CPA, CFF, president, Alton Sizemore & Associates LLC; and Gerard Zack, CFE, CPA, CIA, managing director, BDO.
(Comments have been edited for space and clarity.)
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