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Mentoring can move your career forward faster

Whether you’re at the beginning of your career — or second career — or you’ve had years of fraud examination experience, consider entering into a mutually beneficial mentor-mentee professional relationship. This article is for both of you and everybody in between.

What do Mark Zuckerberg, Charles Schwab, Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey have in common?

They’re all mentors, and they each had a champion who was a trusted counselor. Zuckerberg was fortunate early on to have Steve Jobs as his mentor. Bill Gates has Warren Buffet. Charles Schwab had Andrew Carnegie. And Oprah had the poet Maya Angelou. 1 Many other accomplished people cite family members, professional acquaintances and friends who provided valuable guidance, encouragement and wisdom that propelled their success. Even Hollywood has cashed in on making movies with a mentoring/coaching theme. (See The Top 25 Mentoring Movies of all Time, by Jennifer Merrill, The Chronicle of Evidence-based Mentoring, July 16, 2017.)

Perhaps you’re at the beginning of your career (or second career), and you’re thinking of asking an experienced CFE in your organization or from your chapter to be your mentor. Or maybe you want to invest your years of experience in some budding fraud examiners. This article is for both of you and everybody in between.


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