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  • Relentless TARP Watchdog - An Interview with Neil Barofsky, Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program

    Neil Barofsky walked into an enormous, historic job when he became the special IG for TARP last year. But he knows that his relentless push for transparency and dogged pursuit of fraudsters will protect his bosses - the American taxpayers.

    dominos-130x100.jpgHow Greed Started the Dominoes Falling – The Great American Economic Meltdown (Part 1)

    The corporate greed that led to American excess was rampant in the years leading up to the current economic recession. At best, companies were unethical; at worst, they lurched over the fraud line.

    fox-hole-130x100.jpgBeing Ready for the Worst – Preparing for Fraud and Corruption Investigations and Remediation

    Resilient corporations generally take a three-pronged strategy to deal with the problem of fraud: they conduct thorough fraud risk assessments and periodically revisit them; they put fraud prevention and detection strategies in place; and they develop response strategies to deal with the frauds they aren’t able to prevent.

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  • Training remains critical to my fraud examination skills.