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  • Fraud Down Under: An Interview with Australian Criminologist Russell G. Smith, Ph.D.

    Russell Smith, Ph.D., principal criminologist and manager of the Global, Economic and Electronic Crime Program at the Australian Institute of Criminology, believes fraud examiners should share their knowledge and experience with colleagues around the globe because fraud is blind to all borders.

    2010-NovDec-CyberPsycho-thumbCyber Psycho: Online Predator Uses Internet to Destroy a Life

    Robert met Connie online and soon became embroiled in her drama-ridden personal life. Portraying herself as a damsel in distress, she created an elaborate network of fictional online characters to exploit Robert’s gracious nature. In the end, her handiwork depleted Robert’s retirement account, derailed his career, and destroyed his reputation. Beware this particular brand of cyber psycho.

    2010-NovDec-PromisesKept-thumbPromises Kept: Corporate Boards Must Change to Restore Public Trust and Avoid Fraud

    Gone are the days when directors on company boards could periodically show up at headquarters, rubber-stamp corporate decisions, and collect their sizable paychecks. Hands-on boards must now manage risks, measure performances, and install fraud prevention and detection tools to protect their shareholders and companies’ reputations.

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  • Over the past two years my budget for hiring and training has: