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Payments that 'grease the rails': The FCPA's 'facilitating payments' exception
An amendment to the U.S. FCPA allows for "facilitating payments." But is it better to avoid the morass that this change to the act has created?
Conflict of interest: Gateway to corruption
Corruption can take many forms, but its genesis often starts with the same issue: a conflict of interest.
Happily comply: The natural links of compliance and fraud examination lead to new career moves
Because of new anti-fraud legislation around the globe and reemphasis on FCPA enforcement, CFEs, with their ingrained skill sets, can consider new job directions.
Back to school: Universities need remedial anti-fraud training
Learn how universities, and other nonprofit organizations, can overcome entrenched ideologies to prevent and deter fraud and reputational damage.
Rushing an insurance claim: Would-be 'gold king' takes advantage of bank's credit line and insurance company's payment
Gold-seller Anthony Grau wanted to become "king of the world" with other people's money. However, a CFE's questions unraveled Anthony's scheme.
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